Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday said that the nation cannot be prosperous unless the farmers of the country earn more. His statements came in the wake of ongoing farmer protest in Madhya Pradesh in which five farmers were killed and many others got injured in a police firing on Tuesday.
Speaking at the inauguration of 'MODI-fest' held at Muhana Mandi in Jaipur to mark the third anniversary of the Narendra Modi government, he said Modi government is working towards the goal of doubling farmer incomes by 2022. In a function which was attended by scores of farmers, Singh said, "We can never achieve the dream of making India a rich country, unless our farmers are prosperous."
While praising the three years of NDA government he said, that the country's borders were "more secure" than before and would be further fortified to stop illegal infiltration. "India's borders are more safe and secure as compared to the past. The government has decided to make the borders highly protected in coming years to ensure that no citizen of a foreign country can enter into India without the permission of the government of India," Home Minister said.
Some of the success stories of 3 years of Modi led government that were stated by Singh at Muhana Mandi include, Surgical strikes held in 2016, anti corruption move, demonetisation, LPG connection in villages, creation of skilled jobs and few others. Stating surgical surgical strike carried out by Indian forces across the Line of Control in 2016 as a massive success Singh said, "It had given a strong message that India could hit targets beyond its boundary. After the surgical strike took place, in a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Modi, Director General of BSF was told not to fire the first bullet at Pakistan, but if Pakistan opened fire at India the forces must retaliate."
Rajnath Singh arrived in Jaipur on Friday morning for a one-day visit to inaugurate a 'MODI-fest'. Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, BJP state president Ashok Parnami and state Home Minister Gulab Chand Kataria welcomed Singh at the Sanganer airport.
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