In a desperate bid to save its face after the Indian Army released a video clip of destroying Pakistani posts in Naushera sector across the Line of Control (LoC), Pakistan has come up with a fake video showing tit-for-tat action by their forces.
Major General Asif Ghafoor, official spokesperson of the Pakistan Armed Forces, tweeted a video saying: "On 13 May 2017, India targeted innocent civilians. In befitting response Pak Army destroyed Indian posts in Nowshera Sec".
On 13 May 2017, India targeted innocent civilians. In befitting response Pak Army destroyed Indian posts in Nowshera Sec. 2/2.— Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor (@OfficialDGISPR) May 23, 2017
More than a minute long, the video shows heavy artillery pounding several army positions and leaving it completely destroyed.
The following points put a question mark on the authenticity of the video:
1. Indian Army sources said a "sangad" or thick protection wall is normally made by Indian Army around posts. No such wall is visible in the posts destroyed by the Pakistan Army. Indian Army makes about two-feet-high wall which can even withstand recoil-less gunfire. Naushera posts essentially have such walls to protect the soldiers.
2. Communication trenches can't be seen in the posts shown.
3. Any visible point of start and impact of the firing in the video is absent. In the Indian Army video one can see the point of start of the ammunition and hitting of the post.
4. The video shows blasts happening from down below. This usually happens in case of IED blasts and not artillery fire.
5. Colour tone and camera angle shows that the video is edited. The video has clear visibility of editing marks, and therefore, must be deemed to be unreliable and incorrect.
The Pakistan Army's footage was released in an apparent reaction to the Indian Army releasing a video of the military action which showed some structures in a forested area being destroyed.
The Indian Army yesterday said it launched "punitive fire assaults" on Pakistani positions across the LoC, inflicting "some damage", days after two of its troopers were beheaded.
The Pakistan Army, however, dismissed as "false", the Indian Army's assertion of destroying its posts in the Naushera sector.
Sources in the Indian Army said the strike was a message to Pakistan that it will take stronger action with increased frequency against any infiltration attempts from across the border.
The 22-second video released by the Indian Army showed concrete structures being reduced to rubble amid plumes of smoke and balls of fire.
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