
Friday, 26 May 2017

PM Modi's rating is at 81 per cent says data

It has been three years since Narendra Modi took over as the Prime Minister of India. As he completes three years in office, his popularity rating is at 81 per cent. The government released a detailed progress report of its performance.

In 2013, only 29 per cent people were happy with the way things were going in the country. In 2016, the figure has gone up to 65 per cent, the government said. Eighty percent people are happy with the government's handling of economy -- an increase of 57 per cent in 2013.

The Prime Minister's popularity rating, the government said, stands at 81 per cent. The Prime Minister today put out the statistics on his NarendraModi App to show comparisons between 2014 and now. The sectors covered included agriculture, mobile banking, tele-density, women empowerment, 'Make-in-India', tourism, electrification, solar energy and distribution of LED bulbs. The Prime Minister also invited the people to participate in a survey about the government's performance.

'Sath hai, vishwas hai, ho raha vikas hai (There is cooperation, there is confidence and progress is being made),' PM Modi tweeted.

The data spoke of giant boost to government's flagship programmes like Make in India, Digital India and Clean India. Under Make in India, electronics, manufacturing, the government said, has gone up from 11,198 crores in 2013 to a whopping 1,43,000 crore in 2017.
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