Film-maker Ram Gopal Varma has come up with his first ever short film, and the title itself will generate a lot of interest. The short has been titled as "Meri Beti Sunny Leone Banna Chaahti Hai".
While the title is pretty catchy, the content of the short film will either leave you amused or confused or most likely disgusted. The short movie includes three characters – a father, mother and a daughter.
It is an 11.29-minute long short film in which the daughter first gives her parents the shock of their life by saying that "I want to be Sunny Leone", and then explains why she made the decision. By saying she wants to be Sunny Leone, she implies she wishes to become a pornstar.
For a very few who might not know, Sunny Leone was a popular porn star before she became a Bollywood actress. Ram Gopal Varma apparently wanted to convey a strong feministic message through this video but looks like he went a little overboard.
The short film has many aspects surrounding how women folk have been suppressed by patriarchal thoughts and practices. Although the short film makes a valid point that every woman should have the right to choose her future, the treatment of the film did not go down well with most of the audience.
In one of the sequences, the daughter is seen saying, "The greatest value attached to a woman is her beauty and her sex appeal". This line certainly does not throw a good message as it implies that a woman's biggest quality is just her body. Moreover, this short film somehow encourages female objectification.
While Sunny Leone is yet to give her reaction on the short movie, the viewers have reacted strongly to it. The film has already recorded over 1 million views on YouTube, but the comments it fetched are quite outrageous.
Although there are a few who talked positively about the film and RGV, most others have slammed the director.
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